5 Week Formula

The 5 Week Formula has been a great herbal supplement to help prep my body for labor and delivery.* I have done this with each of my pregnancies, and (in my opinion) it is one of the main reasons why my babies all came on time, instead of going 2 weeks over my delivery date like the other women in my family tend to do.

I begin taking 1 dropper (fill the dropped with a single squeeze of the rubber top) of liquid per day beginning 5 weeks before my due date. I do that for the first week, then the second week I take 2 droppers of liquid, and I continue adding another dropper each week until I am taking 5 droppers worth the week before my delivery date.

It can be tempting to jump ahead and start taking more to try to speed up the process, or to start on 3 droppers because you are 3 weeks from your due date. Do not do this. It will not boost you ahead, it will only cause painful cramping. Let your body build up to it starting with 1 dropper, no matter how close you are to your due date.


  • Mother’s Wort
  • Wild Ginger
  • Lobelia
  • Squaw Vine
  • Blue Cohosh
  • Blessed Thistle
  • Red Raspberry
  • Wild Tam
  • Bay Berry

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Consult your doctor before taking this supplement.

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